D365 – Create Alternate Keys

Alternate Keys facilitates two functions inside Dynamics 365:

  • Duplicate detection based on a combination of fields.
  • Integrating Dynamics 365 with existing systems, using SDK.

For Example: Duplicate detection rule for Account: Combination of First Name, Last Name and Email.

Each alternate kay must be given a unique name.

Alternate key can consist for one or more fields.

After creating Alternate key, you can use CD to integrate with external applications.

To Create Alternate Keys:

  • Open Customization
  • Click Keys under an entity (for example: Contact)
  • Click New to create a new entity.
  • Select the keys for which you would like to track duplicate records (let’s say Email and Fax).

  • Click OK and Publish Customization.
  • Try creating two contacts with same Email and Fax and check if you receive a duplicate key warning.